Archive for the ‘Garden’ Category


Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Fulgurite, originally uploaded by trekr.

School is back in session and so its time for a little show and tell. I found this petrified Alien on the Outer Banks while walking the beach at low tide early one morning in late June. My Alien friend is a well worn fulgurite; a rock made when lightning energizes the beach sand.

I’m Hungry!

Friday, August 11th, 2006

I’m Hungry!, originally uploaded by trekr.

Well there are four hatchlings and this one is the hungry one!

Hatchlings are Here!

Monday, August 7th, 2006

DSCN8905, originally uploaded by trekr.

Today the eggs hatched! Wow, baby birds in August?

Herb Garden

Thursday, July 27th, 2006

Herb Garden, originally uploaded by trekr.

My shadow overlooking the new herb garden. We finally had some success germinating chili tepin, so the two left rows are peppers and the rows on the right are a variety of herbs. Fresh herbs just outside the back door! Now that’s good eats.


Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

Beehive, originally uploaded by trekr.

I finally decided to take a chance and get close enough to get a decent photograph. I’m not quite ready for the macro! This colony has made this brick fence post pillar its home for the past two years now. The bees haven’t stung anyone or swarmed so I don’t think they are Africanized. I’m inclined to leave them alone. They are doing a good job pollinating the garden plants! I’m glad to have them back.

Visited Countries

Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

create your own visited countries map or vertaling Duits Nederlands

Check this out and make your own!

They’re Back!

Monday, July 24th, 2006

Louisianna Waterthrush Nest, originally uploaded by trekr.

I don’t know why they are raising a brood in July, but the Waterthrush are back. They have built a nest on the back porch again, this time just to the right of the doors in an abandoned planter attached to the wall. It looks like there are four eggs.


Friday, July 14th, 2006

DSCN8771, originally uploaded by trekr.

This spring we planted two burr oaks just off the back porch to replace the old post oak that we lost. We coverted the ground around the new trees with a thick layer of shredded tree mulch to help them weather hot days of the summer. To my astonishment, a wild rabbit decided that the mulch under the tree was the perfect place to raise her brood. We’ve been watching the den for two weeks and this is the first time one of the little ones has poked his head out.

Cobalt Blue Dragons

Saturday, July 8th, 2006

Cobalt Blue Salvia, originally uploaded by trekr.

Sometimes it’s as good as the brochure 🙂


Saturday, July 8th, 2006

Fractal, originally uploaded by trekr.

I’m not sure what made this gall, but it has a beautiful fractal pattern to it.

Summer Figs

Saturday, July 8th, 2006

Summer Figs, originally uploaded by trekr.

There was a time while I was racing bicyles that the fig bar was my favorite food. These figs are from a tree in the back corner of my yard and every year I’m surprised by how well it does here in Texas.

It’s Hard to Leave Home

Friday, July 7th, 2006

DSCN8726, originally uploaded by trekr.

Kids are gone, place is a little run down, but it’s home.  See the Happy Family in the spring of their lives when the Cardoon was in bloom.

Empress Tree

Friday, July 7th, 2006

Empress Tree, originally uploaded by trekr.

Two princesses climb the royal empress tree.

Good Dog !

Thursday, July 6th, 2006

DSCN8689, originally uploaded by trekr.

Sadie, our Italian Greyhound, is listening carefully! Reminds me of the Flying Nun!


Thursday, July 6th, 2006

DSCN8696, originally uploaded by trekr.

The Cotinus texan prefer the overripe figs leaving the others alone. Reminds me of my neighbor defending his tomatoes from the squirrels. The squirrels would pick the green tomatoes, take one bite and leave the fruit lying on the ground. " How come the squirrels don’t eat your tomatoes?", he asked. I pointed to the compost pile in the middle of a circle of tomato plants. "Simple. We give them something better to eat".  So it turns out to be a good idea to leave a few very ripe figs on the tree for the beetles so they don’t have to sample all of them!

There is enough for everyone.

Outer Banks

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

DSCN8541, originally uploaded by trekr.

A calm after the storm, a light shining through, a time to be outdoors.  Jacqui got up early to take this picture while looking out over the Atlantic from the Outer Banks.

4th of July Parade

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

DSCN8667, originally uploaded by trekr.

Every year the whole town musters for the 4th of July Parade. Every manner of vehicle lines up on Simmons Drive at 9 am and begins winding throught the town at a slow pace ending at the Town Hall for a BBQ. Its quite a bit of fun whether you watch or parade. I love living in a small town !

July Rain

Wednesday, July 5th, 2006

DSCN8674, originally uploaded by trekr.

It finally rained on the 4th of July! I tried to capture the vibrant greens after a summer rain but I think you need to be able to smell the ozone and feel the rain on your face to fully appreciate the relief.


Tuesday, June 6th, 2006

06-05-06_0636, originally uploaded by trekr.

Stunning sunrise yesterday. I took this from my Razor driving down highway 121 in the yellow stang on the way to Cadbury’s while you were still sleeping 🙂

Fritch’s Cactus

Sunday, May 28th, 2006

DSCN8385, originally uploaded by trekr.

This cactus is from a cutting. The mother plant is in a big pot sitting on an old stump in the back yard of the Fritch’s farm near Schullenberg Texas. The flower opens in the day and closes at night.


Sunday, May 21st, 2006

DSCN8306, originally uploaded by trekr.

Sometimes a weed will surprise you. If you have some weeds around you, at the least, you should let them flower.

Lost Oak

Wednesday, May 17th, 2006

Lost Oak, originally uploaded by trekr.

We lost another White Oak this Spring to Hypoxylon canker. The sawdust in the foreground is the ground up stump. The bare patch of grass is where the kid’s swing used to hang. Surprisingly, the limb the swing hung from was the last part of the tree to succumb to disease. The arborist that felled the tree tied the swing to a sturdy limb in a nearby tree. I guess everyone remembers their favorite childhood swing. When the tree you are swinging from falls, its time to find a new tree.

What grows when you forget to mow

Sunday, May 7th, 2006

DSCN8162, originally uploaded by trekr.

I’ve been too lazy to mow the back yard, and today it is too wet. The kids found this single flower in the middle of the yard. Somebody said it’s trillium. A reward for my procrastination.

Cherry Pie

Sunday, May 7th, 2006

DSCN8161, originally uploaded by trekr.

I hadn’t made a pie in some fifteen years. Last weekend I taught my oldest how. Not bad for a first pair of pies. Oh yes, they were very tasty !


Saturday, May 6th, 2006

DSCN8149, originally uploaded by trekr.

The Japanese honeysuckle is considered an invasive plant. Here in Texas, it is quite easy to control. The flowers are sweet to taste. This photo makes a great wallpaper, enjoy !


Tuesday, April 11th, 2006

DSCN7968, originally uploaded by trekr.

Something that will never be a commodity because they are nearly completely useless unless you care to appreciate each one for its uniqueness. Like roses, individuals cannot be commodities. Each is uniquely created.

Run dog, run

Tuesday, March 28th, 2006

DSCN7724, originally uploaded by trekr.

I’ve seen some fast dogs, but nothing like this greyhound. It must be part cat. Light, graceful and blazingly fast. Matt took this photo and it turned out pretty cool. The dog’s name is Sadie and she’s from a foster family that rescue’s pure bred Italian greyhounds from pounds.

Spring Mallards

Monday, March 27th, 2006

DSCN7716, originally uploaded by trekr.

The change of seasons in Texas sometimes last only days, or so it seems. In the last few weeks we’ve had record high temperatures, overnight freezes and nine inches of rain. The return of the mallards is a sure sign that spring is near. I’m hoping for some ducklings this year. We’ll see …

The Royal Empress Blooms

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006

DSCN7424, originally uploaded by trekr.

This is the first year the tree has bloomed ! I’m expecting tremendous growth this year … stay tuned !

Spring will be here soon

Wednesday, February 15th, 2006

DSCN7150, originally uploaded by trekr.

The Louisianna Waterthrush are back from their migration. This one just let himself in. Almost a year has gone by since I photographed their nest outside our back door. That makes 2005 a year for the birds as far as I’m concerned.